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About the Course

What is Enough?

A Conversation about money that could save your life. Time - Money - Purpose are intertwined, our daily decisions about how we spend Time or Money and it relation to our Purpose is a hard subject but one that once understood will lead to Freedom.

You'll learn about:  

  • Your financial goals

  • Your life

  • Consumerism versus citizenship

  • Financial integrity and independence

  • Income and cash flow...

  • Quality of Life

  • Your Money or Your Life

  • What is Enough?

  • Your Stuff

  • Your Life Energy

  • 3 Questions to change your life

  • Progress versus perfection

  • Enoughing!

  • FINite Goals for Saving

ON DEMAND (Click on the Man Sitting Image below to access the entire series, including workbooks) or this link:

This class is also available in an online Webinar format or an interactive, engaging live class for your Company, Organization or Group. Call John at 888-265-2445 or email at for more infomation!

Formats Available

All Classes are available as:


1) Online Webinar (For your Company, Organization or Group)

2) Live (For your Company, Organization or Group)


3) If the class is On-Demand the video will be accessible from the Description page - Enjoy and give us feedback!

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