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About the Course

Investment Property 101

Learn the basics of investing in real estate.  Find out:


  • Why your own home is not an asset

  • How leverage helps you build net Worth

  • Why the IRS is your best Friend with Investment Properties

  • What steps you need to take


You will leave this educational workshop with the why and how to get on the road to financial independence with real estate.

This class is available in an online Webinar format or an interactive, engaging live class for your Company, Organization or Group. Call John at 888-265-2445 or email at for more infomation!


Formats Available

All Classes are available as:


1) Online Webinar (For your Company, Organization or Group)

2) Live (For your Company, Organization or Group)


3) If the class is On-Demand the video will be accessible from the Description page - Enjoy and give us feedback!

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