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The Borrow Smart Conversation



45 Minutes


About the Course

More of America's Wealth is inside their homes than in any other assets. And for those with a mortgage, that debt is larger than any other liability!

How you choose to manage your liabilties has more to do with your Financial Wealth and Security than how you manage your other investments.

It all starts with the Borrow Smart Conversation - helping you gain clarity around:

  • Cash Flow

  • Leverage

  • Opportunity Cost

  • How to best manage your House Wealth

  • How Investment Principles (Liquidity-Safety-Return) apply to your house Wealth

  • True cost of Borrowing

This class is also available in an online Webinar format or an interactive, engaging live class for your Company, Organization or Group. Call John at 888-265-2445 or email at for more infomation!

Your Instructor

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