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Myth’s, Misconceptions – The Reality about Reverse Mortgage Options



45 Minutes


About the Course

The Reverse Mortgage of yesteryear is gone - the substantial upgrades and protections put in place by HUD have made this a tool that should not be overlooked as part of retirment income planning!

Discover how to:

  • Improve cash flow

  • Eliminate required monthly payments

  • Get funds for travel, debt, bills or life!

  • Create safety with a Growing Line of Credit

  • How to manage Long Term Care Risk

  • Stretch the life of your IRA and Retirement funds

  • Grow your estate value

  • Create a Legacy now for kids and grandkids

  • Create a sustainable lifestyle plan

This class is also available in an online Webinar format or an interactive, engaging live class for your Company, Organization or Group. Call John at 888-265-2445 or email at for more infomation!

Here is a short overview of the entire course:

Your Instructor

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